Thursday, April 16, 2009

Living the Dangerous Life

Howdy, Sam and I have been laying low recently, but we have been playing golf just about every weekend. So last Saturday, Sam and I were driving to the next hole when Sam decided to take a 90 degree turn at the last second at full speed. Well the cart rolled and we went flying. As I flew though the air I saw Mtn. Dew cans, golf balls, and Golf Tees all hurling past my face. I landed on top of Sam whose head was barely missed by a deadly blow from the golf cart top, which no doubt would have rendered him a retard with a misshapen head for the rest of his life. The cart landed on my leg and I thought it was broken and was screaming for Sam to pick it up off my leg. Once he did I stood up and looked around to see about 20 golfers all just staring at us. Luckily, the bruises will eventually heal and the Golf Course didn't ban us for life (at least that we know of), they seemed more concerned about the damage done to the cart and asked us to come by the club house later, which we didn't do. So we'll be going in disguise next time we visit that course.

Summary, we get to take real showers unlike Josh, and that everyone should roll a golf cart at least once in their lives. Bruises heal, memories are forever.


  1. Strong work Sam- next time you should try it right next to the water hazzard.

  2. remind me if I should ever be offered a ride by Sam in a Golf Cart to kindly decline and say "I'll walk, but thanks anyway." ;)
    he he... love ya Sammy!

  3. You'll be happy to know we completed 18 holes on the same course yesterday and no one recognized us. We did however, inconveniently get the slowest golf cart I've ever been in, so no sequel to speak of.

  4. I don't see the connection between showers and rolling golf carts. Unless the rolling has caused a need for a shower. Does someone need a change?

  5. By the way Sam, we need to talk about your auto insurance. Love ya, Dad

  6. Too Funny! Jake... I think they did recognize you. Hence the engine regulator set on low.
