Friday, November 6, 2009

Tomfoolery on Halloween!

Jenny & Destiny stayed in Milton so Destiny could go Halloweening with her cousins, Jeffrey, Jessa, & Jack. We began the evening by meeting Zack & Natalie at CiCi's Pizza. Ha! We were tricked, cause we were told if we showed up in costume we ate for free. Aw... but we paid, and enjoyed being together. Natalie didn't wear a costume but she made an pretty cool turtle outfit for Zack! Some how we made it out of there without getting a picture of him, but he made a pretty awesome turtle (especially with his skinny kegs and all.) Jack had his costume messed up before we left there with Pizza, soda and all, but then sharks are probably not known for their tidy eating habits!
We decided to go over to base housing to trick or treat. Cute as can be... Destiny was a pink unicorn, Jessa was a princess, Jack was a shark, and Jeffy was a pirate. This was Destiny's 2nd Halloween, but it all was new to her. She seemed fascinated by the costumes and the decorations. She would stop and stare and just watch people walking by. At one house, Jeffy was a bit freaked out because they had several adults dressed up, one looking like a dummy was sitting in a chair then suddenly hops up when Jeffy was trying to figure out if he was real! He totally startled Jeffrey, but Destiny just stood there watching... like "what a silly cousin!" Jessa found out where a couple of her friends lived along the way too. The lighted pumpkins and decorations were fascinating to Jack and Destiny. At one house the porch light was on, but no one answered the door. The 3 older kids scampered on to the next house, but Destiny found a Bob the Builder chair sitting on the porch and went and sat down like it was the perfect place for a little break! Lol! Yes, they all collected plenty of candy and Grandma collected her share of bounty for taking them! Yummy!

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