Saturday, May 9, 2009

Trailer Life

I have a confession to make.  Yes.  I live in a trailer.  

But in the neighborhood where I live, only the high rollers have trailers.

The huddled masses live in tents with a dozen or more of their closest friends.

We high rollers, on the other hand, have 200 square feet to call our own.

Check out that luxurious bunkbed- er... I mean couch!

And the window treatments are definitely top shelf.

And the walls are decorated with priceless works of art:

Monet, Degas, Piccasso? Amateurs.

The bathroom is the pinnacle of luxury too.

Oh, and of course it is in a gated community.

And everyone drives Hummers.

But sometimes the riff-raff do come to visit...

In seriousness, while I didn't think that I would find myself living in a trailer again, we do have it pretty good here. This is the only place in Kuwait where junior officers like myself actually get their own room. Anyway- just thought I'd share a slice of life from over here. Hope everyone is having a great Mother's Day!


  1. If riff-raff like that comes around my house, I just chase it off with a broom.

  2. Looks like "Sweet Home Alabama" to me.

  3. Around here we carry guns, so the riff-raff keep their distance. But just in case the do get froggy, we keep the heavy artillery on standby.

    Look at those nascar-fan sunglasses and 2nd hand clothes.

    Then again, on closer inspection...That is one handsome specimen of riff-raff. The riff-raff around here have ratty beards, smell like week old gym socks and are usually trying to blow themselves up if they get near you.
